Stage adaptation Vanna Logi

"The inner possession of extrapersonal world is the highest goal for man. The friends you cannot miss are the men of the past and of the present who have had this goal, with the deep horizons it opens up." Einstein wrote these words and lavished his life and his unfailing commitment on this regard.
He warned the scientists "Concern about man and his fate must always form the chief interest of all the efforts of science. Do not forget it in the midst of your diagrams and equations...
"Only a life lived for others is a life worth living!"
But an unfairly criticism of nearly a century smears him as an atheist and heretic, misogynist in the private, and, thanks to his brilliant idea of equivalence of mass and energy, he has been deemed responsible for the most deadly weapon of destruction ever conceived.
Yet his zeal was heartfelt and steady, notwithstanding the intensity of his studies: writings, articles, radio calls and consultations with statesmen till to the testament given to Bertrand Russell before his death.
He hated the war and the degradation and suffering it involves, the manipulation of thought and of the masses, any sinister nationalism, the immovable dogmas of religion and science, he reflected on the two major world economic systems, on education, on the value of life and its purpose, he loved individual and collective freedom as the only prerequisite of the evolution of civilization, and he loved the Truth, with a constant appeal to reason and to the hearts of men.
He saw far beyond and not only in terms of science: he conceived a united Europe whose long tradition and culture could effectively oppose any attempt of oppression and aggression from the outside, he conceived the establishment of a world government, an International Court of Arbitration that would be able to resolve peacefully all disputes and disagreements among countries, and hoped that field theory to which his theory of general relativity led, one day would give mankind the whole picture of the physical world and a new individual awareness in interaction with the others and the environment, with respect and care for all forms of life.
He suggested that “a new kind of thinking is essential if humanity is to survive and go to higher levels."
Dear Albert, you're a friend we have not lost and do not want to lose... and we want to introduce yourself to others... In music... You, who played the violin, would have agreed!

The stage proposal

The heartfelt thesis of Albert Einstein on the most pressing issues and impending fate of humanity, with the willingness of Vanna Logi to let the voice and the thought of the scientist and man 'Albert' resound for her contemporaries, are the propulsive matter of this rock theatre show.
Einstein has left us a lesson, a rich inheritance, and not only on matter of science, we want to play back alive and let not unheard to people!
He showed us a new perspective, a new way where to go... ahead of his time... dear... our visionary.
But the time is ripe ?! We believe yes!, and we strive to... In words and music and ’physical’ hints.

Texts by Albert Einstein, selection by L. Castagnoli